Twisted-pair cable :
It comes in two forms which is shielded and unshielded cable. As we know, there are two category of transmission media which is bounded and unbounded media and twisted-pair cable is on the bounded categories same goes to coxial cable and fibre-optic cable.
Current : UTP, STP and Coxial Cable
Light : Fibre-optic Cable

~ suitable for transmitting both data and voice.
~ consists of two conductors (usually copper).
~ help to eliminate and reduce the impact of noise.
~ cheap, flexible and easy to install.
~ connector : RJ-45 connector.

2. Shielded Twisted-Pair Cable (STP)
~ wrapped in a foiled shielding.
~ help provide more reliable datacommunication.
~ prevents and eliminate crosstalk.
~ networj using Token Ring.
~ more expensive.

~ has a single copper at its centre.
~ carries signal of higher frequency.
~ metal shield help to block outside interferences.
(fluorescent light, motors and others)

~ consist of center glass core
~ surrounded by several protective materials.
~ transmit signals over much longer distance.
~carry information at vastly greater speeds.